Kia Ora Whanau just a update on Friday Worlds meeting.
Seniors will have to go to the National Trials at Lake Karapiro on May the 2nd and 3rd.
This is a open trial so any one can attend however, you need to get an id card.
I recommend any one to go for the experience, and then to build networks with other paddlers within NZ. If enough paddlers from the hoe tonga region go, then the national body could look at regional teams to accommodate for travelling and costs.
The costing for each paddler works out to $4000.00 if you pay by yourself and not look for funders.
I am going so if you want to come we can pool car it if you want. Have a serious think about it. The trials consist of 300m and 500m OC1 ruddered and 300m w6 by yourself.
Juniors will be regional selection. Coaches are being put in place now for juniors.I have put my name in for U16 boys and may assist with U19, so that our club has input as well.
So far only one club has had a say, but things have changed.
There is only 16/19 both boys and girls.
There is no O23 they have to paddle open mens.
The trainings will be during the year so juniors who are keen to paddle will have to look at their schedule, however we are pushing for trainings to really start kicking of in August, to let them participant in their winter sports. Juniors may need to look at rep stuff.
Please talk with your juniors and ask what they might want to do if they would like to trial and work towards competing at the May 2010 worlds.
The regattas are getting nearer and I still haven't received emails on who wants to do them, please email me back, so we can draft something together and put some serious training in before the regatta in Porirua on the 3rd of April and the Belana marathon in April on the 25th.
Please let us know so then we may be able to represent Wairarapa at these regattas and gain experience for the sprints.
Any enquires please email me so then I can reply.
Coaching Clinics are going to be put in place soon. I need at least 10 people to attend before we go ahead. There will be a cost for the services of the coach and other resources needed to run the clinic. The duration will be 5 hours. and consist of 2 parts. A Saturday will be the day, that the clinic will be done on, and is only for seniors no juniors please, as this is to up-skill Matua.
COACH Joe Nuku
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